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Trainings Offered

DRS & Workplace Culture offers the following trainings and workshops to help address conflict among teams and improve workplace cultures. These trainings and workshops are available to all UIC faculty, staff, and students and may be conducted virtually or in-person. For external requests, please email


Understanding our Biases and Combating Microaggressions (90 minutes)

This interactive training breaks down the meaning of implicit associations, unconscious bias, and microaggressions. It invites participants to consider what biases they may hold of others and explains how biases may become microaggressions if they go unaddressed. It teaches strategies for avoiding microaggressions and responding to them when they occur. Lastly, it reviews suggestions for creating a positive team culture. (Cost: $450)


Conflict Resolution (2 hours)

This 2-hour conflict resolution workshop is split into two sections. The first section covers how to mediate conflict for yourself, and the second section covers how to mediate conflict for others. In the first section, participants will complete the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) to better understand their conflict profile and how they typically respond to conflict. The workshop then teaches tips and techniques for managing personal conflict, and then participants work in small groups to identify group norms for responding to conflict. The second half of the training begins with the principles of mediation and then explains the difference between positional bargaining and interest-based negotiation. It then reviews the process for mediation and provides tools and strategies for mediating conflict for others. (Cost: $600/up to 10 participants, additional costs incurred for more than 10 participants)


TKI Workshop (1 hour)

This 1-hour TKI workshop gives participants insight into how they typically respond to conflict and provides strategies for improving their conflict response. Participants will complete the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) and work together in small groups to create group norms for handling conflict. (Cost: $300/up to 10 participants, additional costs incurred for more than 10 participants and materials).


Introduction to Mediation Skills (1 hour)

This 1-hour training overviews the mediation process and teaches participants tools and strategies for resolving conflict as a neutral third party. This training is ideal for HR professionals, managers/supervisors, or anyone looking to improve their conflict resolution skills. (Cost: $300)


Respect in the Workplace (1 hour)

This 1-hour training provides a high-level overview of practices that can lead to a disrespectful climate and then teaches strategies for maintaining professionalism and respect in the workplace. (Cost: $300)


Team Building Skills Workshop (1-3 hours)

This is a customizable workshop that focuses on a variety of team-building skills. We work with teams in advance to determine which topics are most valuable for them and then create a workshop centered on those ideas. The workshops are interactive so that participants can practice the newly learned skills. This is a great workshop to include in a retreat or other team professional development opportunities. (Cost: variable depending on length, # of participants, and topics; contact DRS for more info)


Please email to request a training or workshop.