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Roles in the Search Process

Role of the Office for Access and Equity

The Office for Access and Equity (OAE) is responsible for the University’s Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) and the Faculty and Academic Professional search and appointment processes. OAE oversees and monitors the compliance aspects of academic appointments to promote diversity and address areas of underrepresentation. OAE seeks to ensure that units direct their recruitment efforts toward addressing underutilization and increasing diversity on campus whenever feasible.

OAE’s approval affirms that the position notice and the unit/department’s recruitment plan have been reviewed to determine whether: 1) the job opening represents an opportunity to correct underrepresentation, 2) any additional recruitment sources should be recommended, 3) this search is in compliance with Executive Order 11246.

Professional female employee
Role of the Hiring Officer
The Hiring Officer is the individual to whom the search committee forwards its recommendations for hire, and to whom the successful candidate typically reports once hired.
Resume and laptop
Role of the Search Committee Chair
The committee chair is responsible for the overall conduct of the search.
Achieve Together
Role of the Search Committee
Search Committees are designed to strengthen the pursuit of a highly qualified, diverse pool of candidates and serve in an advisory role to the hiring officer as the ultimate decision to hire rests therewith.
Team Work
Role of the Academic Search Coordinator
The Academic Search Coordinator (ASC) serves as a liaison between the Office for Access and Equity (OAE), and academic departments or administrative units that seek to fill faculty and/or academic staff positions.