Student Accommodation Policy

Policy Number: OAE-1100-009

Policy Title:  Student Accommodation Policy

Vice Chancellor/Associate Chancellor:

Unit Responsible for Policy: Office for Access and Equity (OAE) and Disability Resource Center (DRC)

Effective Date: 04/26/2022

Contacts: Associate Chancellor, Office for Access and Equity and Director of the DRC

Policy Statement:

The University of Illinois at Chicago (“the University” or “UIC”) is committed to full inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of university life. The University seeks to provide an academic, social, and physical environment that makes persons with disabilities integral to the diversity of perspectives that is vital to an academic community.

The University recognizes and supports the principles set forth in federal and state laws designed to eliminate discrimination against individuals with disabilities, and to foster the integration and inclusion of individuals with disabilities into the campus community. The University is committed to making reasonable accommodation in order to provide equal opportunity to students with disabilities to the college experience.

In order to receive academic and/or campus accommodations, students are responsible to self-identify as a person with a disability and request reasonable accommodations. Students should direct their requests for reasonable accommodation to the UIC Disability Resource Center (DRC).  The DRC will complete an intake; students may be asked to provide documentation from a health care professional that indicates their disability diagnosis. All student disability information, including documentation of disability, will be kept secure and confidential by the Disability Resource Center and is not released to others at the University without the student’s express permission. Students who falsify information to a university official can be subject to disciplinary action.

During the intake process students work with an appointed DRC staff member to identify barriers to their equal access and create a plan of accommodations to remove or ameliorate these barriers. The determination and implementation of accommodations is an interactive and iterative process, meaning that during this process the DRC may seek information from appropriate University personnel regarding essential standards for courses, degree programs, and/or activities. Accommodations determined to be reasonable and appropriate will be documented on a Letter of Accommodation.

Once in receipt of a Letter of Accommodation, a student’s instructor, with the support of their college, and the Disability Resource Center as necessary, will implement accommodations as applicable in their program or course. University personnel may seek information from the DRC directly regarding how best to facilitate a student’s accommodations in their program. Similarly, the DRC may work with units on campus such as Parking Services or Campus Housing as necessary to ensure that non-academic accommodations are implemented. An official Letter of Accommodation may be created at any time during the semester, but instructors and academic programs are only obligated to implement accommodations going forward from receipt of the letter, i.e. not retroactively.

In the event that an accommodation as written is determined to be unreasonable or inappropriate for a certain course or program, efforts will be made by the DRC and the program to explore a suitable alternative reasonable accommodation where possible. Students may appeal accommodation decisions based on the DRC accommodations grievance process.

Reason for Policy: This policy reflects federal legal mandates and existing practices surrounding access for students with disabilities at public colleges and universities. This policy delineates student as well as institutional responsibility for providing students with disabilities appropriate academic accommodations at UIC.

Minority Impact Statement: The policy does not have any disproportionate or unique impact on UIC’s minority students, staff, or faculty.

Who Should Read the Policy:  All students, faculty, staff, and administrators at UIC.


Person with a disability: a person with an impairment that substantially limits a major life function such as (but not limited to) walking, talking, learning, hearing, or seeing. This can include individuals with mental health and chronic health conditions.

Reasonable accommodation: any adjustment, modification, or auxiliary aide or service required for a student to have equal access to the university’s programs and activities, inside or outside the classroom.

Accommodation implementation may require no action on the part of the instructor/department (e.g. student use of a recording device); some coordination on the part of the instructor or program (e.g. provision of presentation materials in advance), or significance coordinator between the instructor/program and the DRC (e.g. conversion of course materials to an accessible format by the DRC document conversion team).

Personal devices such as glasses, mobility devices, and personal care attendants are not considered reasonable accommodations in an academic context.

An accommodation is not considered reasonable if it causes a direct threat to the health and safety of the student or any other person.

An accommodation is not considered reasonable if it would significantly change or compromise learning objectives or outcomes of a course or program, or fundamentally alter the nature of any program of instruction, including those related to licensing requirements, or result in an undue burden on the program or University.

Procedures [URL]: Registration Process; Accommodations Grievance Process

Forms: Student Registration Form; Disability Verification Form

Related Laws, Regulations, Statutes, and Policies:

List all relevant laws: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504).

Document History:

Approved by: UIC Senate Committee, Chancellor
Effective date: April 26, 2022
Approved date: April 26, 2022
Approved as: New Policy