
Reporting Discrimination And Harassment

Who Should Report

  • With regard to students, if a supervisor, executive, administrative staff, or faculty member observes sexual harassment or receives a sexual harassment complaint from a student, he or she is obligated to timely report the observation or complaint to the Office for Access and Equity at 312-996-8670 or email Title IX.
  • With regard to employees, supervisors, and persons in positions of authority are obligated to report any and all observations and complaints of discrimination and harassment to the Office for Access and Equity promptly at 312-996-8670 or email OAE.
  • OAE staff is available to provide counsel and facilitate effective resolutions.
  • Under the new Protection of Minors Policy, all University personnel must immediately report cases of suspected child abuse or neglect of minors (children under the age of 18) directly to the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) as soon as abuse or neglect is suspected. The duty to report under Illinois law applies to the suspected abuse or neglect of any individual under 18 known to the employee, volunteer, or other designated individuals in their professional or official capacity. This includes both (a) minors who are currently enrolled at the University or accepted for enrollment (e.g., a 17-year-old student enrolled as an undergraduate) and (b) minors who are not enrolled or accepted for enrollment as students at the University but who participate in a University program designed for minors or who otherwise become known to University personnel in their official or professional capacity.