One Love Presented by OAE

The Office for Access and Equity (OAE) is responsible for providing programs and training to students, faculty and staff about Title IX and the issues covered under that law. OAE strives to provide programs and training that not only inform but also engage people in ways that promote discussion and change behavior to create a better educational and work environment. The One Love Foundation through its videos and guided discussions about the signs of positive and abusive relationships, provides material that college students in particular find relevant and that OAE will introduce to the UIC campus.
What is One Love? Heading link
The family of Yeardley Love, created the One Love Foundation in order to educate college and high school students on the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships. Yeardley Love was killed by her ex-boyfriend in 2010. Signs of abuse throughout the relationship were evident to many who knew Yeardley, but no one realized how dangerous the signs were or how to intervene.
One Love Program Rollout Heading link
OAE is presenting One Love’s Escalation film and workshop to UIC students. The student workshop will be held on a monthly basis through April 2018, initiating a program of regular workshop presentations to students.
At each of the student workshops, an OAE staff member will be present to answer questions regarding the services available at UIC. In addition, counselors will be available in case the film and discussion cause students’ anxiety or trauma. The eventual goal would be to have co-presenters, including students, leading the workshops, with continued support from OAE and partners. Each workshop will be scheduled through OAE as the University’s designated Title IX office.