Professional Organizations

  1. Athletics [-]

    Advertising Fee?

    Minority Opportunity Athletic Association
    MOAA provides opportunities to exchange ideas, advocate increased participation and administrative opportunities for minorities in athletics.

    National Collegiate Athletics Association
    The on-line NCAA Market is used by the talent in intercollegiate athletics to discover new careers.

  2. Art & Architecture [-]

    Advertising Fee?

    Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) Doctoral Directory of Minority Ph.D. and M.F.A. Candidates and Recipients
    A listing of doctoral degree recipients who are members of groups underrepresented in higher education and who are alumni of the universities of the CIC.

    National Organization of Minority Architects
    Organization supporting minority architects.

    National Association of Latino Arts and Culture

    Organization of Black Designers

  3. Business [-]

    Advertising Fee?

    Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting
    AAHCPA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to enhancing opportunities for Latinos in finance and accounting. On-line Career Center for job posting.

    National Association of Black Accountants
    Organization supporting minorities in the field of finance and accounting. On-line Career Center for job posting, including resume search.

    National Black MBA Association
    Employment Network for job posting and resume database.

    National Society of Hispanic MBAs
    Career Center for job posting.

  4. Education [-]

    Advertising Fee?

    Women in Higher Education
    A monthly practitioner's news journal.

    National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE)
    Job Board for posting ads.

  5. Engineering, Research & Science [-]


    Advertising Fee?

    American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE)
    Job Board for posting ads.

    American Chemical Society (Chemical and Engineering News)
    Independent membership organization, representing professionals at all degree levels in all fields of chemistry. Job Board for posting ads.

    American Indian Science and Engineering Society
    Increase the representation of American Indian and Alaskan Natives in science, engineering and other related technology fields. Ad posting packages available.

    American Society of Civil Engineers
    Mission is the advancement of knowledge and practice of civil engineering. Post ads in Career Connections.

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Promotes worldwide the art, science and practice of mechanical and multidisciplinary engineering and allied science around. Career Corner for posting ads.

    Association of Computing Machinery
    ACM delivers resources to advance computing as a science and a profession.

    BGESS Database
    Free access to records of doctoral candidates, recent graduates, and professionals of African descent of University of California at Berkeley seeking tenure-track university faculty positions.

    National Association of Multicultural Engineering Program Advocates, Inc. (NAMEPA)
    Committed to improving the recruitment and retention of African Americans, Hispanics and American Indians earning degrees in engineering. Annual fee for institutional partners.

    National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists & Chemical Engineers
    Career Services for members or new subscribers.

    The National Society of Black Engineers
    Largest student-managed organization; 26,000 members; students encouraged and supported to seek advanced degrees and employment in engineering and related fields.

    Prism-American Society for Engineering Education
    Largest nonprofit engineering society in U.S., with 12,000 members.


    Advertising Fee?

    Affirmative Action Register
    Resource for the Equal Opportunity Recruitment of professional, managerial and administrative personnel for academia, business, industry and government.

    NIH Black Scientist Association
    Members have access to computer-base listing of BSA members. Non-members have to contact Association directly for instructions on ad posting.


    Advertising Fee?

    Association for Women in Science
    Dedicated to achieving equity and full participation for women in science, mathematics, engineering and technology.

    African American Women in Technology
    A non-profit organization dedicated to the education, support and advancement of African-American women in the field of Information Technology.

    American Geological Institute, Minority Participation Program
    Nonprofit federation of 44 geoscientific and professional associations that represent more than 100,000 geologists, geophysicists and other earth scientists.

    American Indian Science and Engineering Society
    To increase American Indian and Alaska Native representation in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields.

    American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Minority Programs
    Organization supporting the professional development of researchers and educators in the field of aquatic science. "Positions Offered Board" for posting ads.

    Association for Women in Science
    Publication reaches 4,000 women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Discounts to institutions who publish in AWIS Magazine.

    Minority Affairs Subdivision of The American Society for Cell Biology, The
    The mission of ASCB is to promote and develop the field of cell biology, through research training and opportunities to disseminate scholarly research at annual meetings of ASCB. A 11,000 member organization. Job Board for posting ads.

    National Association for Black Geologists and Geophysicists
    Nonprofit organization established to provide information to students about career opportunities in geoscience.

    National Consortium for Graduate Degrees and Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc.
    To provide graduate fellowships at the M.S. and Ph.D. levels.

    National Society of Black Physicists
    NSBP promotes the wee-being of African American physicist within the international scientific community and society as a whole.

    New Scientist Jobs
    Leading scientific and technology journal, includes on-line job board.

    Society for Neuroscience
    Nonprofit membership organization of basic scientists and physicians who study the brain and nervous system. NeuroJobs, on-line career center to post ads.

    Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
    Organization encourages Chicanos/Latinos and Native American to pursue graduate education and advance degrees necessary for leadership, research, science and teaching at all levels. Web advertising.

  6. Mathematics & Computer Science[-]

    Advertising Fee?

    Association for Women in Mathematics
    Organization established to encourage women and girls to study mathematics, as well as promote equal opportunity and equal treatment of women and girls in mathematical sciences.

    National Association of Mathematicians
    Professional organization established to promote excellence in mathematical sciences and mathematical development of underrepresented American minorities.

  7. Humanities & Social Sciences[-]

    Advertising Fee?

    African Studies Association
    Non-profit organization bringing scholars together who are interested in Africa.

    American Indian Philosophy Association
    Professional philosophical organization which encourages the thoughtful and careful articulation, study and contemplation of philosophical issues that affect American Indigenous people and the communities to which they belong.

    American Political Science Association
    Leading professional organization for the study of political science. e-Jobs reach 15,000 individual members and 750 departmental members.

    American Sociological Association
    Non-profit membership association committed to advancing sociology as a scientific discipline and profession serving the public good. Job Bank for posting positions.

    Association of Black Psychologists, The
    Promotes and advances the profession of African psychology; operates for charitable and educational purposes. Psych Discourse Online is the monthly news journal.

    Association of Black Sociologists
    Scholarly organization for African American sociologists and social scientists; believe they are the premier electronic recruitment resource for the industry.

    Association for Computational Linguistics, The
    ACL is the international scientific and professional association of people working on problems involving natural language and computation.

    Linguistics Society of America
    LSA was founded to advance the study of language. It is the largest linguistic society in the world, with more than 5,000 individual and library members. On-line Job Board for posting positions.

    National Association of African American Studies & Affiliates
    National Association of African American Studies & Affiliates (National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies, National Association of Native American Studies and National Association of Asian Studies).

    National Conference of Black Political Scientists
    Professional organization established to further the study of Black Politics here and abroad, with membership of more than 300 political science faculty, students, elected politicians and policy analysts.

    National Women?s Studies Association
    Professional organization dedicated to leading the field of women?s, as well as teaching, learning, research, and service.

    Positions in Counseling Centers
    Positions in Counseling Centers.
    Please email Dr. Laryy Long,

    American Psychological Association
    APA is a scientific and professional organization that represents psychology in the United States. With more than 154,000 members, APA is the largest association of psychologists worldwide.

  8. Library Science[-]

    Advertising Fee?

    ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOA)
    ALA is the oldest and the largest library association in the world, with more than 65,000 members. Promotes the highest quality library and information service and public access to service.

    Black Caucus of the American Library Association
    Provides leadership for recruitment and professional development of African American librarians.

  9. Medical Specialties[-]

    Allied Health

    Advertising Fee?

    Diversity Allied Health Careers
    Education and career site for individuals interested in careers in allied health care.


    Advertising Fee?

    Academy of General Dentistry
    Organization of general dentists committed to continuing education and reliable consumer information.

    American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
    Professional organization of over 7,000 members in the U.S. AAOMS supports members? ability to practice their specialty through education, research and advocacy. Career Line is a part of the HEALTHeCAREES Network.

    American Association of Public Health Dentistry
    Organization established to focus efforts on improving public oral health.

    American Association of Women Dentists
    Professional organization supporting women dentists; has become a national network for employment opportunities and scientific exchange.

    American Dental Association
    World?s largest and oldest national association of dentists committed to the public?s oral health, ethics, science and professional advancement. Membership of over 155,000 dentists. Post ads and positions in The Journal of the American Dental Association.

    American Dental Education Association
    ADEA is the leading organization serving the predoctoral, postdoctoral and allied dental education community, providing advocacy, professional development, information and resources. Post positions in the Academic Dental Careers Network.

    Association of American Indian Physicians
    Professional educational, scientific, non-profit organization dedicated to providing support and service to American Indian and Alaskan Native communities.

    Hispanic Dental Association
    National organization of dental professionals dedicated to promoting and improving the oral health of Hispanic communities and providing advocacy for Hispanic dental professionals across the U.S.

    Illinois State Dental Society
    Organization representing dental professionals and the patients they serve.

    National Dental Association
    Largest and oldest national organization on minority oral health professionals in the world, representing over 7,000 African American dentists in the U.S. and abroad. Opportunities to advertise on NDA web site and in Flossline.


    Advertising Fee?

    Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc.
    Non-profit organization, with international membership of over 600, dedicated to eliminating the disparities of cardiovascular disease in all people of color. ABC Career Center for job posting.

    National Hispanic Medical Association
    Representing 36,000 licensed Hispanic physicians in the United States. The mission of the organization is to improve the health of Hispanic and other underserved populations. Quarterly NHMA Newsletter disseminated to members for posting ads.

    National Medical Association
    NMA is the largest and oldest organization representing African American physicians and health professionals in the U.S.

    American Association for Women Radiologists
    Professional organization dedicated to increasing the visibility of women in radiology.

    Association of Black Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons
    Organization dedicated to increasing the participation of African Americans and other ethnic minorities in the profession of cardio-vascular surgery.

    Association of Women Surgeons
    Organization dedicated to the professional and personal needs of female surgeons at every stage of their career.


    Advertising Fee?

    National Association of Hispanic Nurses
    National association which provides a forum for nurses to analyze the health care needs of the Hispanic community, as well as providing professional development to Hispanic students and professionals. Hispanic Health Care International (HHI) is the organization?s quarterly publication for advertising.

    National Black Nurses Association
    The organization represents over 150,000 African American nurses. On-line career Center for publishing ads.


    Advertising Fee?

    Association of Black Health System Pharmacists
    Promoting growth and development of pharmacy practice in health care facilities.

  10. Various Faculty & Administration[-]

    Advertising Fee?

    Academic 360
    Collection of internet resources for the academic job hunter. Includes links to over 3,000 faculty, staff and administrative position announcements.

    INSIGHT Into Diversity
    INSIGHT Into Diversity is the leading resource for the Equal Opportunity Recruitment of professional, managerial and administrative personnel for academia, business, industry and government.

    American Association of Affirmative Action
    National not-for-profit organization of professionals in the area of affirmative action, equal opportunity, diversity and other human resource programs. Job Center to post ads.

    American Association of University Women (AAUW), The
    AAUW promotes equity in education and provides a voice for women and girls. AAUW has over 100,000 members, 1,300 branches and 500 college and university partners. Career Center for posting ad.

    American Planning Association
    APA is a nonprofit public interest and research organization, committed to urban, suburban and rural planning. The organization advanced the art and science of planning to meet the needs of people and society. Positions can be posted in Planning Magazine, monthly publication of APA.

    American Society of Public Administration
    Professional organization advancing excellence in public service. Advertise available position in the Public Administration Times Recruiter (print) and/or

    Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
    Consortium of university-based programs offering credentials in urban and regional planning.

    Black Career Zone
    Online job and career development site dedicated to African American college students and professionals.

    Chronicle of Higher Education
    World?s largest market for individuals with advanced degrees.

    College and University Professional Assn for Human Resources
    CUPA-HR provides leadership and resource to higher education human resource professionals and the human resource community.

    Diverse Issues in Higher Education
    Premiere news source for information about Diversity in the US educational system.

    Diversity Inc. Careers
    Job Board and Career Center. More than 30,000 for diverse professionals.

    Diversity Working
    On-line Job Board with more than 550,000 active jobs. posting packages also available.

    Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement
    HACE is dedicated to nurturing the career development of Latinos at all stages of the career continuum, from High School through the professional years. Mission is about developing increasing numbers of successful Latino professionals and leaders. Various corporate membership levels.

    Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)
    HACU represents more than 450 colleges and universities committed to Hispanic higher education success in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Latin America, Spain and Portugal. More than two-thirds of all Hispanic higher education students in the nation are enrolled in Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs).

    Internet?s largest collection of jobs specifically targeting HBCU students and graduates. HBCU Career Center for posting positions.
    Online service for diversity recruitment and career development designed to link underrepresented minorities with Fortune 1000 Corporations, Government Agencies, and Non-Profit/Educational Institutions.

    Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education (Magazine)
    Informational news source and sole Hispanic educational magazine in higher education, with nearly 50,000 readers.

    Online website dedicated to Hispanic and Bilingual professionals.

    Illinois Latino Council on Higher Education
    ILACHE is a statewide organization dedicated to the advancement of the status of Latinos through educational policy reform, identification of best practices, and the dissemination of research and information.

    IMDiversity, Inc.
    One-stop career and self development site devoted to serving the cultural and career-related needs of underrepresented minorities.

    La Opinion Empleos
    Online job board for Latino professionals.

    Online career board dedicated to Hispanic and Bilingual professionals.

    Minority and Women Doctoral Directory (MWDD)
    Registry which maintains up-to-date information on employment candidates who have received a Doctoral or Master?s degree in their respective fields (80 fields in the sciences, engineering, social science and humanities), from one of approximately two-hundred major research universities in the United States. Directory available for purchase, separate departmental rosters available for purchase.

    National Association of African Americans in Human Resources
    NAAAHR is a not-for-profit organization, providing a forum for African American Human Resources professionals to network for leadership and career opportunities. Yes. Fee for advertising

    National Association of Asian American Professionals
    Asian American professional organization, promoting leadership through professional development, cultural awareness and community service. Career Center for posting positions.

    National Association of Colleges and Employers
    Online website for career counseling and HR/staffing professionals.

    National Society for Hispanic Professionals
    National organization empowering Hispanic professionals with networking and leadership opportunities, as well as information on education, career and entrepreneurship.

    Planning Magazine
    Monthly publication of the American Planning Association. Job Connection for positing positions.

    Online website that specializes in joining the Hispanic Bilingual professional with companies looking for DIVERSITY in the workplace.

    Women in Higher Education
    Monthly news journal, serving 12,000 readers, designed to enlighten, empower and enrage women in higher education.